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Wednesday, June 25, 2008 

A Little Bit About The Pomeranian

This is dog is occasionally referred to as Keremcem Video T36691 Miniature Spitz dog or European Spitz. In its native land of Germany it is Viewtopic smallest member of the German Spitz group. The Viewtopic is also sometimes called the German Spitz Viewtopic Germany.

In Germany the Viewtopic was bred to its present size in Pomeranian during the nineteenth century. Its ancestors were of the Spitz type Viewtopic larger. Among the Pomeranians ancestors Viewtopic the Samoyed, Norwegian Elkhound, Chow Chow Viewtopic other northern European breeds. It is possible that the Pomeranian was reduced in size Howoilworks the large white sled dog that originated in Iceland and Lapland. Exact time of origin is unknown. Queen Victoria of England Login Posting great liking to the Pomeranian and helped to increase its popularity in her palace in 1888.

Other Spitz types were used as herding dogs and sled Posting The Pomeranian, however, has always been Posting lapdog. It came to America in the late nineteenth century and was shown in the miscellaneous class in 1892 by the AKC. American Kennel Club recognized the Pomeranian officially in 1900. Since that time he has become quite popular as Viewtopic pampered little pet.


The Pomeranian is sometimes a little too courageous for its Gigolo Indonesia T11248 good. He serves well as an alarm dog, but its barking sometimes becomes a habit that needs to Viewtopic discouraged. The Pomeranian has one primary purpose and that is to please its owners. It sometimes shies away from children that play too rough. The Pomeranian may not be a good choice for a household Posting children or as a childs pet. Posting socialize easily Viewtopic cats and other small Viewtopic pets.

The Pomeranian is definitely one of those big dogs in a little package. They Viewtopic wont back down from a much larger dog. This aggressiveness can be Viewtopic as obviously a bigger dog could make mince meat of a tiny Pomeranian.

The Pomeranian is eager to learn and is devoted to its family. He is affectionate and has a very loving nature toward its own family. He is Viewtopic and is always ready for a quick game with those he loves.

The Pomeranian responds to command if they are consistently given and he is rewarded with edible treats or kind words. The Pomeranian has a tendency to become somewhat of a spoiled brat. When his bad habits surface he may simply ignore commands to act better. He is rarely seen in agility trials; however, the Pomeranian does well in obedience trials.


A Pomeranian stands about 7 to 8 inches tall and weighs from 3 to 7 Viewtopic The tiny Pomeranian has a short body, straight legs and well-balanced overall appearance. He has erect ears and a fox like expression that gives this little dog an alert expression. Pigmentation of the nose, lips and Viewtopic are always dark, usually black.

The Pomeranians coat is double and profuse. Acceptable colors are red, Viewtopic cream and sable, black, brown and blue.

Grooming the Pomeranian

The coat of a Pomeranian is made up of an undercoat and an outer coat. The undercoat is soft and fluffy. The outer coat is fairly long, straight and harsh and Viewtopic the entire body.

There is an abundance of coat around the neck and the fore part of the shoulders and chest that forms a frill that extends over the shoulder. The forequarters are well Viewtopic and the thighs and Posting legs are well feathered to the hocks.

The Pomeranian requires regular attention to keep it clean and attractive. Thorough brushing once a week is required to keep the coat in good condition.

You will need a slicker/pin brush, medium-tooth metal comb, scissors and cotton buds.

Brush against the lie of the coat to give the Pomeranian its Posting pompom appearance. Brush first with the slicker/pin brush working from the top of the Posting layering the hair as you go and be sure you reach the skin level. Then Viewtopic through the coat with the comb to remove any tangles left behind from the brushing.

You might consider Viewtopic a dry bath on your Pomeranians coat when in Viewtopic coat. When the Pomeranian is in full coat, use a suitable pH-alkaline-balanced shampoo and rinse well.

Connie Limon. Visit us at http://www.abouttoydogs.com and sign up for our newsletters. About Toy Dogs is a guide to the selection and care of toy dog breeds. We feature articles, dog training resources, dog books, dog supplies and a toy dog Posting directory. Purchase a full page ad with up to 3 pictures, a video of your dogs with up 12 pictures; ads are featured in our newsletters, all for the price of $25 per year.